This page lists a number of projects with short descriptions and links to their website. The website can be made in the same way as our main page, using WP which is installed in a subdirectory.

We have four research projects, which are the result of a brainstorming, which our chairman initiated. They are:

  • Renewable energy and climate threats (convener vacant)
  • Psychiatry and alcohol / drug addiction  (convener Marylou Wadenberg)(sammankallande Marylou Wadenberg)
  • Ethics as a subject in the assistant nurse education (convener Carl Olivestam)
  • Quality Education (convener Per Flensburg)
  • Anthology in collaboration with the Immigrant Institute (two projects convening Jens Allwodd and John Fletcher)
  • Net hatred, misinformation, conspiracy theories, trolls / troll factories and threats to democracy (convener Per Flensburg)

For all projects, discussion groups have been set up on our discussion forum